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Wingham hospital declares COVID-19 outbreak

A COVID-19 outbreak has been declared at the Inpatient unit of the Wingham and District Hospital.

Officials say a total of 6 patients have been identified as part of the outbreak, but no staff members have tested positive for the virus. 

"The definition of an outbreak at an acute care setting is where two or more patients and / or staff within a specified area (unit / floor / service) with positive results from a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test or rapid molecular test or rapid antigen test within a 10 day period where both cases have reasonable acquired their infection in the acute care facility," a statement from the hospital said.

The Listowel Wingham Healthcare Alliance says COVID remains heavily present throughout the municipality, and community linkages are the probable source of the patient infections.

Other services such as emergency department visits, ambulatory care services, operating room procedures, diagnostic imaging, and specialist visits continue to occur. However, the gift shop will be closed during the outbreak.

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