Protesters at Bruce County Council on February 20, 2020. (Photo by Kirk Scott)Protesters at Bruce County Council on February 20, 2020. (Photo by Kirk Scott)

Protest at Bruce County, motion deferred

About 40 people protested outside a Bruce County Council meeting to voice opposition to a nuclear waste storage facility in the county.

A motion to support the science behind a deep geological repository for high-level nuclear waste was tabled Thursday morning.

Bruce County has been identified as one of two locations in Canada the repository might go. But those against the idea question whether burying nuclear waste is really safe.

Michelle Stein, speaking for the protesters, said they're especially concerned about water.

"The possibility of surface water contamination. We have rivers and those rivers lead to more rivers which lead to our lake and there's 40 million people that drink water from Lake Huron," said Stein.

She said the Nuclear Waste Management Organization has said they'll only consider a willing host as a repository location.

Stein added that citizens have not been adequately consulted.

"The people that we're talking to out in the public, the overwhelming response that we're getting is, nobody asked us. We actually aren't willing. So there needs to be a public vote now and council need to represent the wishes of the people," added Stein.

Saugeen Shores Mayor Luke Charbonneau tabled the motion.

He said nuclear power is necessary for energy needs, adding the motion supports the Nuclear Waste Management Organization's process of finding a suitable location and supports the organization's research showing a repository is safe.

Bruce County councillors deferred the motion so that council can get more information on DGRs.

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