The South Bruce Grey Health Centre in Kincardine. (Photo by Ryan Drury)The South Bruce Grey Health Centre in Kincardine. (Photo by Ryan Drury)

Major donation made to hospital

The Kincardine & Community Health Care Foundation has received a huge funding boost.

A $1 million donation has been given to the foundation from Duncan and Lesley Hawthorne toward the “Building Health Care for Generations” campaign to expand and renovate the Kincardine hospital site of the South Bruce Grey Health Centre.

The hospital has moved into the third stage of approvals for a project that will "more than double the footprint of the emergency room, medical imaging unit (including the CT and new MRI) and laboratory space," according to a release from the hospital foundation.

To recognize this significant donation, the renovated Emergency Department will be named in honour of the Hawthornes.

The generous gift was unveiled in a release on July 1.

Mr. and Mrs. Hawthorne are well-known in the Kincardine area for their ongoing support of local healthcare. The Hawthorne Community Clinic is a hub for family health care and their continued support of the Huron Shores Hospice has brought peace to the final days of many area families.

“Lesley and I are pleased to support the fundraising efforts. The provision of high quality local medical services will make a difference to the lives of many people in our area and, although we do not live here full time, Kincardine will always feel like home to us.” said Duncan.

“We want to express our sincere gratitude for this generous donation that supports the vision of modern, accessible health care for everyone close to home” added Becky Fair, President of the Kincardine & Community Health Care Foundation board.

The Hawthorne’s donation will join the combined contributions of thousands of donors to raise $18 million to cover the local share cost of construction and equipment.

“This gift cements the Hawthorne legacy of supporting health care for the present and future residents of Kincardine, and we are so proud to have the new Emergency Department named for them," shared Nancy Shaw, CEO of the South Bruce Grey Health Centre.

Community members who would like more information about supporting the campaign can contact Mark Womack, Capital Campaign Manager, at 519-396-3331 x4335 or

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