Windsor West NDP candidate Brian Masse with NDP Party Leader Jagmeet Singh in Windsor September 20, 2019. (Photo by Adelle Loiselle)Windsor West NDP candidate Brian Masse with NDP Party Leader Jagmeet Singh in Windsor September 20, 2019. (Photo by Adelle Loiselle)

Climate policy top of mind as parliament resumes

The NDP are still finalizing their climate policy ahead of restarting parliament next week.

It was big topic of discussion at the NDP caucus retreat this week in Montreal.

Following the retreat, NDP leader Jagmeet Singh told reporters the party is still developing their climate policy, but does not support the current Liberal carbon-tax policy.

"We want to see an approach to fighting the climate crisis where it doesn't put the burden on the backs of working people. Where big polluters have to pay their fair share, they have to pay the price for their pollution but it shouldn't be on working people's shoulders."

The Conservative party has been calling on the NDP to commit to triggering what they're calling a "Carbon tax election" this fall.

Windsor-West MP Brian Masse told that the party is still meeting with experts to develop their plan.

"I think it's an expectations that we should show Canadians... the differentiation between what we want and what the Liberals and Conservatives put forth," said Masse. "The Conservatives don't have a plan at all really for action on climate change, some of them actually deny it's taking place, and the Liberals' system in place has not been good and it has lead to event strife amongst provinces."

Parliament returns to session on Monday.

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