Windsor Regional Hospital Met Campus. (photo by Mike Vlasveld)Windsor Regional Hospital Met Campus. (photo by Mike Vlasveld)

Pediatric emergency room diversion clinic expanding

Parents will soon have another place to bring their sick children seven days a week.

Late last week the provincial government announced $2.6 million in funding to expand Windsor Regional Hospital's Pediatric Emergency Diversion Service seven days a week.

Dr Jason Metcalf indicated that with the expansion parents can bring their children to the emergency department at Met Campus and expect to be seen more quickly.

"Our trained nurse triage specialists will identify children that meet the criteria for the clinic. Children who don't have immediate life-threatening illnesses that require emergency room care but could be seen in a less emergent setting" said Metcalf.

The clinic offers parents a place to bring their sick children after hours when clinics and primary health providers are not an option.

"With the pediatric diversion clinic, the children will always see a paediatrician as the ultimate physician for their care. With the expanded funding we've also been able to hire new nurse practitioners in the emergency room to streamline their access to that clinic," said Metcalf.

The service currently operates Friday to Sunday from 3 p.m. to 11 p.m. Starting March 1 it will operate seven days a week.

Since its launch in September 2023, the program has seen 400 patients.

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