Bayside Centre development plans were displayed for an RSVP stakeholder event Wednesday December 2, 2015 ( Photo by Briana Carnegie)Bayside Centre development plans were displayed for an RSVP stakeholder event Wednesday December 2, 2015 ( Photo by Briana Carnegie)

Bayside Mall Development Delayed

The sale of two properties integral to the development of the Bayside Mall in downtown Sarnia has been delayed.

Wilsondale Assets Management representative Gord Laschinger says they need to do further environmental assessment of the land under TrinityLounge TempleBar and Taylor's Furniture.

"We determined that there was cause to pause and do phase two testing," he says. "That involves drilling, soil samples, chemical analysis and then a report so that's where we're at. We had to slow down the closing pending or confirming there was no issue with the soils."

Laschinger adds the analysis could take five to eight weeks to complete.

That doesn't come as good news to the owner of the Trinity Lounge who closed the operation January 15 and sold the chattels, expecting a February 2 closing date which was subsequently pushed back to March 15 and has been delayed once again.

If everything comes back clean, the first physical signs of external changes in the mall will be seen this fall when a plaza or piazza will go up on the south end and more parking and Christina St. exposure on the north end.

Plans call for a multi-storey seniors housing complex, a grocery store anchor, a market square, and restaurants.

Laschinger says the sale of the Drawbridge Inn has been finalized, although the extent or direction of renovations won't be known for another few weeks.

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