HousingA house key. (Photo provided by FabioBalbi/Getty Images Plus via Getty Images)

ACW exploring short-term rental bylaw

Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh is the next community looking at drafting a short term rental by-law.

Council was given the choice of keeping the status quo, or moving ahead with forming a bylaw on Tuesday, and members were in agreement that some regulations needed to be in place.

Councillor Anita Snobelen said they needed to make a change, due to the increased calls to bylaw officers stemming from these rentals.

"If we stay with the status quo, the only chance we have to recoup any of that money, both that money and the OPP budget money, is through our tax base," she said. "And I don't think it's fair that we have to increase our tax base to deal with issues that are primarily happening along the lakeshore."

Council directed staff to prepare a terms of reference for a committee, whose mandate would be to make a recommendation on a draft licencing by-law to regulate Short-Term Rentals.

Once staff return with the terms of reference, council will determine the committees makeup. However, council members around the table seemed in agreement that both short-term rental owners and their neighbours should be on the committee.

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