Bayfield Community Centre and Arena. Photo by Bob Montgomery. Bayfield Community Centre and Arena. Photo by Bob Montgomery.

Partnership running the Bayfield Arena working out "extremely well"

Business is said to be booming at the Bayfield Community Centre and Arena.

A partnership that began three years ago between the Municipality of Bluewater and the Bayfield Facilities Initiative Team (BFIT) has been a huge success according to the group's Operation Director Sandy Scotchmer.

In July 2020, the BFIT, an organization made up of Bayfield residents and the municipality, agreed to take over operations at the arena and community centre. While the COVID-19 pandemic presented as a bit of a challenge, Scotchmer said that since restrictions have lifted, things have worked out very well.

"We've got yoga going on, we've got fitness classes that have returned, but it looks as though we've got all of our partnerships back in place again with One Care," said Scotchmer.

In addition to a number of physical activities upstairs at the centre, Scotchmer said it's been just as buy on the ice, especially for private skating.

"We've got [hockey] teams that play six days a week. They're very well attended so we're thrilled to have all of our regular teams back," said Scotchmer. "We've had a few new teams that have joined us, which is great."

The BFIT said it was very important to make its relationship with Bluewater work, and they are proud that their partnership is going well. Scotchmer added that as fas as she knows, their collaboration may be the first of its kind.

Those interested in booking ice time, or learning more about the programs offered at the Bayfield Community Centre and Arena, are encouraged to visit the facility's website, or call them at 519-565-2121.

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