The Huron County Health Unit is inviting all Huron County residents living within 10 km of a wind turbine to participate in their survey on the impacts of living near a wind turbine.
Huron County Epidemiologist Dr. Erica Clark opened Thursday night's information meeting in Clinton by explaining the goal of the study is not to determine whether wind turbines are detrimental to health.
Carla Stachura, Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh (Bob Montgomery photo)
Dr. Clark says what they are hoping to do is establish a relationship between environmental conditions and the difficulties some people experience with wind turbines, and what conditions increase those difficulties.
Clark also explained that only those living within 5 km will receive a letter explaining the survey, and it's a simple matter of economic - they don't have the budget to send a letter to everyone within 10 km of a turbine.
Clark says people can go online and sign up for the survey.
Information and the registration form is available at the health unit
Patti Keller, Bluewater (Bob Montgomery photo)
website or registration forms can be obtained at the health unit or any Huron County library branch.
After the meeting, Carla Stachura of Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh commented, "I'm hoping they can determine when the wind turbines are causing us problems and that they could maybe park the turbines under certain atmospheric conditions, when we're having the problems."
Bluewater resident Patti Keller added, "I've been very discouraged of course by the length of time it's taken to get things going but I think it does provide Huron County residents with an opportunity to ensure that some of the information at least gets out to the powers that be."