
Bluewater adopts 2025 budget

The Municipality of Bluewater adopted its 2025 budget this week, which comes with a 5.34 per cent municipal tax levy increase for residents.

Council said the biggest consideration was identifying the spending requirements needed to sustain levels of service and maintain key infrastructure through its asset management plan. Ultimately, it committed to a three per cent tax levy increase each year for a minimum of five years, in order to double its contribution to capital reserves.

"The budget process is never cut and dried," said Mayor Paul Klopp. "I would like to thank the Manager of Finance for presenting a budget that Council has had productive, open discussions about and has confidently concluded that this is the budget we will support. The budget ensures that we’re investing in the infrastructure and services that are necessary for our community."

Outside of that commitment and the rising costs of policing, the Municipality said Bluewater's operating budget remains largely unchanged from last year.

Capital investments for the upcoming year include culvert replacement on Blackbush Line, paving 7.5 kilometres of Airport Line, replacing the Zurich Fire Pumper Tanker, purchasing a new sidewalk plow, and replacing baseball diamond lighting in Hensall and at the north diamond at Varna.

For ratepayers, this means an an estimated increase in taxes of $88 in 2025 for a single-family home with an assessment value of $266,000.

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