Bruce County Administration 3 Photo from Bruce CountyBruce County Administration 3 Photo from Bruce County

Bruce County Official Plan ready to review

People can now take a look at the draft of the new Bruce County Official Plan, which maps out growth and development to 2046.

The new Official Plan will set out broadly the land use planning direction for the county. It also functions as the detailed land use plan in areas not covered by a local Official Plan, such as hamlets, rural, and agricultural areas outside of settlement areas.

The current Bruce County Official Plan was adopted in 1997, and its last comprehensive update was in 2010. Work on the new plan began in 2018, and involved consultation with over 1,800 community members.

That resulted in eight Guiding Principles:

-Good Growth: Put growth in the right locations with the right services.

-Homes: Increase the supply and mix of homes.

-Agriculture: Support our key economies, including a thriving agriculture community.

-Business: Create opportunities for a diversity of businesses, jobs and employers.

-Connecting: Improve our ability to move people, goods, and information between communities.

-Communities: Create wellbeing through access to complete and healthy communities.

-Heritage: Identify and manage cultural heritage resources.

-Natural Legacy: Manage natural resources wisely for future generations.

Bruce County's population is expected to achieve growth to 93,600 and 43,000 more jobs by the year 2046.

“Staff and our consulting team put in a great effort to prepare a plan that supports complete communities in a thriving region, and we look forward to engaging with the public on the draft plan,” said Jack Van Dorp, Director of Planning and Development.

Some policy directions have already been approved including additional residential units, and updated agricultural policies.

The draft policies and mapping schedules are now available for public review at

People can learn more at public open houses in Southampton and Wiarton October 2, in Walkerton on October 3, and in Tara on October 4.

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