Stratford police cruiser. ( file photo)Stratford police cruiser. ( file photo)

Stratford teen charged with breaking into girl's bedroom, trespassing

A 14-year-old boy is accused of breaking into one home and sneaking through the backyards of others on a Stratford street.

Stratford police received reports Tuesday and Wednesday of a suspicious person in and around the Bradshaw Drive area of the city. The incidents took place during the early morning hours both days, police said.

Security footage from the area captured the suspect wandering in and out of backyards. After publicly releasing photos of the suspect, investigators determined the same individual had broken into a home on Bradshaw Drive, but took off after being found in the bedroom of a 15-year-old girl. Nothing was stolen or damaged in the break-in and no one was physically harmed, police said.

A 14-year-old Stratford boy was arrested in connection with the incidents around 1 p.m. on Thursday. He is charged with break and enter and trespassing by night. Due to his age, the teen's name will not be released, police said.

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