Carts spread across Erie Street on June 25. (Photo provided by Stratford Police)

Stratford police charge trucker for lost load that closed Erie Street

A transport truck driver and their company are facing charges after losing a heavy load Tuesday morning in Stratford.

Local police say they were called to Erie Street, in the area of Lorne Avenue East, around 10 a.m. that day.

A truck had lost its load of six metal carts, which police say weighed about 1,000 lbs each.

The carts spread across three lanes of traffic, resulting in a road closure which lasted about an hour.

Police say investigation revealed that the truck's load was approximately 10,000 lbs, but the two ratchet straps securing the entire load had a maximum load rating of 1,000 lbs each.

As a result, both the driver and company were charged with having an insecure load under the Highway Traffic Act.

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