Photo courtesy of the Lake Huron Coastal Centre.Photo courtesy of the Lake Huron Coastal Centre.

Registration open for Coastal Conservation Youth Corps

The Lake Huron Coastal Centre's Coastal Conservation Youth Corps is back for another year and registration is now open.

The program allows teenagers aged 13 to 18 to make a difference in their community and learn about environmental issues.

"It allows high school-aged youth to get out on the shoreline, have an opportunity to meet new people, develop leadership skills, and work as a team," said Kerry Kennedy, education coordinator.

Those who participate can also log it as volunteer hours to graduate.

Kennedy said each day has a different focus.

"You're taking water samples and looking for microplastics, monitoring for general water quality, dune restoration, transplanting dune grasses, or potentially installing sand fencing that will help trap sand and regenerate the dunes," she said.

The program started initially with grant funding, meaning only new students could participate. But as the program continues, those who want to return can do so this year.

"Educating youth has always been an important part of what the Coastal Centre does," said Kennedy. "We recognize that knowledge and understanding, especially from our youngest community members, will make a huge difference to the future resiliency of the shoreline."

Students can participate in Saugeen Shores from July 8 to 12 or Kincardine from July 15 to 19.

More details and registration can be found here.

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