A concept idea for a Durham splash pad (Photo provided by Alex Neuman)

West Grey invests $100K in new Durham splash pad

West Grey Council has committed $100,000 toward the development of a new splash pad in Durham.

The project aims to create a positive and inclusive space for all age groups within the community. The $343,000 initiative originated from Durham's 2022 homecoming celebrations, with the homecoming committee seeking to establish a lasting legacy.

The proposed splash pad and pavilion will be situated at Town Hall Park. Durham 150 is fundraising for the project, having already secured over $100,000. The committee is seeking municipal support of $100,000, hoping to utilize development charge fees. Further fundraising efforts aim to secure an additional $150,000.

The decision follows a delegation from Durham 150 representative Alex Neuman.

"We're hoping to raise another $150,000 through sponsorships, potential grants, and donations. I'm very confident that we'll raise the balance," said Neuman. "We're hoping for a Canada Day launch, two years from Homecoming, which was in 2022. That's our goal."

Durham 150 is set to finalize the design this month and initiate a fundraising campaign in January. Construction is set to begin this coming spring.

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