Sylvia. Provided by the HSKWSP.

HSKWSP calling for financial help for emergency surgery

The Humane Society of Kitchener Waterloo and Stratford Perth (HSKWSP) is looking for your help saving a one-year old dog.

Sylvia came into the Society's care as a stray. A physical exam and x-rays showed a deep laceration on her left hind foot and her right hip was dislocated.

She goes into emergency orthopedic surgery October 2. The HSKWSP said it will take her several weeks to recover with extensive physical therapy. It's estimated her medical costs could be $5500 or more by the time she's available for adoption.

The Humane Society has launched an urgent appeal campaign to help pay for Sylvia's surgery.

"The money raised from this campaign will help Sylvia lead a healthy, happy life," said Kathrin Delutis, CEO at the HSKWSP. "As we don't receive any government funding for our charitable programs and services, we rely solely on our community's generosity to provide this life-saving medical care."

Donations to help Sylvia can be made here.

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