
Grey Bruce Experiencing Widespread Respiratory Outbreaks

The Grey Bruce Health Unit is reminding residents to do their part to stop the spread of viruses.

The region is seeing increased reports of respiratory illness. Since mid-December, there have been seven respiratory outbreaks, including five influenza outbreaks at long-term care facilities.

So far this year, there are 26 lab confirmed cases of influenza. There are also a significant number of respiratory and gastrointestinal illnesses going around.

The widespread sickness means area hospitals are seeing increased admissions.

The health unit is asking everyone to avoid spreading colds, influenza and gastrointestinal illnesses by staying home when sick and for 48 hours after you recover. You should also wash your hands frequently and cover your cough.

“People need to know how easy it is for these illnesses to spread. The impact on vulnerable individuals in hospitals, seniors’ facilities and on young children can be devastating.” says Alanna Leffley, senior epidemiologist at the Grey Bruce Health Unit.

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