Blackburn Agrimedia

Closing Markets for Monday, April 15

On the Chicago Board of Trade

Corn Futures:

May down 4 and a quarter at 4.31 and a quarter

July down 3 and a half at 4.43 and a half

Soybean Futures:

May down 15 and a half at 11.58 and a half 

July down 14 and a half at 11.72 and a quarter

Wheat Futures: 

May down 4 and a quarter at 5.51 and a half

July down 2 and a half at 5.68 

Live Cattle Futures:

April up 110 at 180

June up 240 at 173.87

Feeder Cattle Futures:

April up 227 at 239.87

May up 380 at 238


From The Anderson’s at Hensall Co-op:

2023 Corn = down 4 at 5.02/bu

2024 Corn = down 2 and a half at 5.74/bu

2023 Soys = down 15 and a half at 14.98/bu

2024 Soys = down 9 at 14.92/bu

2023 Red Winter Wheat = down 4 and a quarter at 6.92/bu

2024 Red Winter Wheat = down 3 and a quarter at 6.93/bu

2024 White Winter Wheat = down 3 and a quarter at 7.53/bu

2025 White Winter Wheat = down 1 and a half at 7.83/bu


From Snobelen Farms:

2023 Corn= down 4 at 5.02/bu

2024 Corn= down 2 and a half at 5.74/bu

2023 Soybeans= down 15 and a half at 14.98/bu

2024 Soybeans= down 9 at 14.87/bu

2023 Soft Red Wheat= down 4 and a quarter at 6.92/bu

2024 Soft Red Wheat= down 3 and a quarter at 6.93/bu

2024 Soft White Wheat= down 3 and a quarter at 7.23/bu


Ontario Pork Reports:

The U.S. CME price = $90.72 U.S. per hundredweight, dressed weight.

100% formula price = $226.07 per hundred kilograms, dressed weight.

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