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Local manufacturers expanding in Listowel, Drayton

Manufacturers in Listowel and Drayton are receiving millions of dollars in provincial money to help grow.

It's part of a $12.5 million pot announced by the province today through the Southwestern Ontario Development Fund, which is part of a bigger program.

Vic Fedeli is the Minister of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade.

"We think rural Ontario and northern Ontario are spectacular places for companies to be able to expand," said Fedeli. "This Regional Development Program, that's where this money comes from. It's a $100 million four year program."

Friday's announcement included four companies.

Weberlane Manufacturing in Listowel is investing $4.8 million to build a new 115,000 square foot manufacturing facility and that will include new production lines and advanced manufacturing.

“At Weberlane Manufacturing, we pride ourselves in excellent customer support and commitment to making top-notch products for the industrial and agricultural sectors,” said Stuart Reist, General Manager.

Over $480,000 is coming from the Southwestern Ontario Development Fund to help increase capacity and automate manufacturing operations, including producing large cargo trailers in Ontario that were previously manufactured by subcontractors located in the U.S.

That project will create 40 jobs and retain 33.

Drayton based Nieuwland Feed and Supply is investing $16.2 million to consolidate its production facilities and build a second feed mill on the property, doubling its manufacturing size from 10,000 to 20,000 square feet.

The company is installing automation equipment to improve production capacity, productivity and manufacturing flexibility to meet the changing market demands, such as the shift to antibiotic-free and organic feed.

Almost $1.2 million is being distributed through Southwestern Ontario Development for that project.

Nieuwland is a family owned and operated feed supply company that processes animal feed for the poultry, swine and ruminant industries.

“Nieuwland Feed & Supply is excited to be partnering with the Ontario government in our growth plan,” said Scott Nieuwland, Manager/Owner. “With this support, we will gain the capacity to expand our business to the next level and bring our vision for the company to life, all while helping to bring innovation and jobs to our great region.”

Fergus based Bold Canine is investing $6.5 million to expand.

$500,000 from the development fund will help in research and development with a focus activities with a focus on food safety and automate manufacturing processes.

And Wellington Perforated Sheet and Plate is investing $3.9 million to innovate processes, develop new products, and produce more steel parts in-house.

With $312,000 from the Southwestern Ontario Development Fund, the company is creating six jobs and retaining 11.

With the purchase of advanced machinery, the company will be able to produce more parts in-house.

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