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Student job funding available for local business

A program that matches post-secondary students with jobs is still on the radar for this summer.

The Operations Manager for the Goderich, North and Central Huron Chamber of Commerce says a Federal Student Work Place Program offers employers wage subsidies of up to 50% to a maximum of $5,000.

Health Boa explains, the program matches post-secondary students with businesses that are willing to offer them meaningful work.

"So, for example, somebody who's taking graphic design at a community college or at a university may find a job working for a publishing company doing graphic arts, doing advertising layouts," said Boa. "The other part of the program is that it also matches employers to students across the country, so there is a job board that goes across Canada to universities and colleges."

Although it's a federal program, Chambers throughout Ontario have teamed up with Magnet to deliver the program at the local level.

Boa says it's an effective way of encouraging young people to consider working and possibly living in Huron County.

Employers can apply for the subsidies through a portal on the Chamber website.

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