
Municipality will not host gathering for 25th anniversary of Walkerton tragedy

There will be no formal gathering in May to mark the 25th anniversary of the Walkerton water tragedy that claimed seven lives and made thousands ill.

At Tuesday's meeting, councilors were presented with the option of holding a commemorative event to mark the anniversary of the tragedy that claimed seven lives, or not.

Councillor Tim Elphick amended the no gathering option to include that the municipality organize reflection opportunities that people can do on their own time.

"There is a role for us to play in, at the very least acknowledging, what occurred in May of 2000," he said. "But I am inclined to support more of a self-directed reflection opposed to a formal gathering or formal commemorative event. I feel that we need to, as a Municipality, provide some format for individuals to engage in self-reflection over the event."

Public feedback was sought on the matter prior to the meeting, but staff said only nine responses were received. While more of those responses were in favour of a formal acknowledgement of the tragedy, staff wrote that their did not appear to be a strong desire for an event.

Councillor Carl Kuhnke argued that more needed to be done to mark the tragedy that led to widespread changes to improve water protection provincially and nationally.

"I think we'd be making a serious mistake, burying our heads in the sand like an ostrich," he said. "I don't care how formal it is, I think Brockton the Municipality should do something. Not put something on their website that says 'Here's a self direction to go walk in the Heritage Garden on May 25 if you feel like it.' That's hiding."

The amended motion passed by a narrow margin. Staff will present options on what a self-directed commemorative event could look like at a future meeting.

The Municipality also applied to the Ontario Heritage Trust for a commemorative plaque, but it declined to advance approval, saying it would require further in-depth discussion and consultation. A formal letter from the Trust is coming and will be shared with Council when it's received.

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