Nick McGregorHuron Bruce NDP candidate Nick McGregor. (Photo provided by Huron Bruce NDP)

NDP announces candidate for Huron-Bruce

The NDP has announced Nick McGregor as the party's candidate for Huron-Bruce in the upcoming provincial election on February 27.

McGregor has been a lifelong Huron County resident and is currently a high school teacher in Goderich.

Also, McGregor is a member of the Ontario Secondary School Teachers Federation District 8, and is a director with Huron County Pride, helping to organize the region's first Pride festival.

A media release from the NDP states that McGregor will tackle issues of underfunded schools, emergency rooms, and rising costs for farmers.

"The Ontario NDP has a plan to fix what is broken," said McGregor. "We will invest in our hospitals, hire the doctors and nurses our communities desperately need, and ensure emergency rooms stay open. We will stand up for farmers, address the challenges of protecting farmland and agribusiness, and ensure rural Ontario thrives."

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