The provincial government has announced funding for Seniors Active Living Centre programs.
According to a release, Doug Ford's government has made $3.7 million available to 316 existing Seniors Active Living Centre programs.
The funding is the fourth and final quarterly instalment payment for this fiscal year to help centres "deliver in-person and virtual programs that help older adults aged 55 and older keep fit, healthy, active and socially connected to their communities," according to the release.
Funding includes $12,500 in Goderich for The MacKay Centre for Seniors, just over $6,600 for the North Perth Seniors Centre in Listowel, $12,500 for the Town of St. Marys, $12,500 each for the Stratford Kiwanis Community Centre and the Spruce Lodge Home For The Aged in Stratford and $12,500 for the Town of South Bruce Peninsula in Wiarton.
“This year, we have increased our investment in Seniors Active Living Centres by almost one million dollars over last year, to provide seniors with more opportunities to access programs and supports,” said Raymond Cho, Minister for Seniors and Accessibility. “Our government continues to invest in Seniors Active Living Centre programs that are improving the health and well-being of Ontario’s aging population.”