
Council approves Recreation, Parks and Trails Master Plan

West Perth Council has approved the Recreation, Parks and Trails Master Plan for the municipality.

Director of Community Services Nic Larsen says the plan has 79 different recommendations and strategies that the municipality could implement regarding their vast collection of parks and trails, as well as other recreational assets.

Larsen says a committee is being formed to try and put some action behind a top 10 for now, and he says overall the master plan will help direct them to what is most needed locally.

"It helps guide us to where we wanna go and allows us to pick and choose that direction with what they've recommended, whether it be more focus on trails, or facilities or programs. It kinda sets out that structure of what we can kind of work towards," Larsen explained.

Overall, Larsen says the condition of their assets are good in terms of trails and parks, and a committee is being formed to tackle a top 10 list of things that can be done right away.

"We need to get some way-finding signage out there. We need to work on a few of our more rural trails, if you will, that are kind of on the outskirts of downtown. I think there are some quick wins there, some easy, cheaper options to get us up to where we wanna be fully with some of these trails," added Larsen.

Larsen says long-term, there are recommendations in the plan for eventually preparing to look at things like the arena, but that won't be a focus for some time.

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