Wellington County is launching an automated speed enforcement pilot project.
The project will be unveiled in Fergus on January 15 at the Community Safety Zone located on Wellington Road 18, or Belsyde Avenue East in Fergus.
The new pilot project will be in place for a year, in designated school and Community Safety Zones to curb speeding, alter driver behaviour and increase safety for the community.
The ASE cameras will be used alongside other traffic control measures that focus on education and enforcement.
Camera locations will include Wellington Road 6 Sligo Road East in Mount Forest near the high school, and in Minto along Main Street in Palmerston near the high school there.
A release from the county states the goal is not to use the cameras to issue tickets, but rather to "educate and provide sufficient warning to all drivers that ASE cameras are in use, while providing ample warning through onsite signage, public education, and a phased in camera activation approach."
For more information, visit https://www.wellington.ca/programmes-services/roads-construction/road-safety-initiatives/automated-speed-enforcement.