Flooding in Brigden - July 16/24 (Submitted photo)Flooding in Brigden - July 16/24 (Submitted photo)

Water safety statement issued by the ABCA

The Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority(ABCA) is reminding people to stay away from waterways as warm temperatures and heavy rainfall continue.

The region could see up to 35 millimetres on Sunday which could result in rapid runoff, adding to the already heavy flows.

ABCA said it does not expect a high impact flooding event but water levels in larger watercourses are anticipated to exceed bank full conditions. This could cause some flooding in low-lying areas, which could affect roads prone to flooding.

Water levels are also expected to remain high through to Wednesday.

Residents are reminded that all ice should be considered unsafe and to use caution near watercourses.

The flood outlook will remain in effect until Thursday, unless conditions change.

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