Fire engine. file photo by Melanie IrwinFire engine. file photo by Melanie Irwin

Shed fire on Line 87 prompts ongoing response by fire crews

Fire crews are working to extinguish a shed fire on Line 87 near Listowel.

Shortly after midnight, the Listowel and Atwood fire stations received distress calls, alerting them to the inferno. Assistance was immediately requested from nearby Monkton and Minto fire stations.

Upon arrival, the fire crews were confronted with two coverall sheds ablaze. One of the sheds contained a significant quantity of hay, while the other housed straw and various machinery.

Line 87 was temporarily closed to all traffic from Road 157 to Road 164. By 6 p.m. Thursday evening, the area had was reopened.

Additional updates have not been made available.

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