A local business has acquired a neighbouring property to its current location near Wingham.
Britespan will use the additional land purchase to increase its current footprint by 30%.
In a release, president John MacDonald says they've been able to secure land for future capacity.
“We have been fortunate to realize the growth we have. As an organization that has been identified as one of Canada’s fastest-growing companies as announced by the Globe and Mail over the past six years, this property purchase and facility expansion was needed to support Britespan’s future capacity needs,” stated MacDonald.
Britespan was started in 2010 and sales volume increases in both national and international markets have increased over the years.
In addition to the property purchase, Britespan has expanded its distribution hours by running two shifts to meet freight volume.
The steel and fabric production facilities now operate seven days a week and an office expansion was recently completed to accommodate the growing number of staff in Britespan’s sales, engineering, and administration departments.
The groundbreaking for the expansion is expected to take place in the spring of 2022.
Britespan continues to look for skilled and motivated individuals to join their teams in a variety of departments and positions and applications can be sent to britespanbuildings.com/careers.