Two more Huron County municipalities seem to like the idea of hosting marijuana retail outlets in the future.
The Township of North Huron has agreed in principle to host cannabis stores, while all council members, except for the mayor, voted to opt-in to hosting in Morris-Turnberry.
"With the report from the OPP, there's not a lot of answers to the questions we have," said Morris-Turnberry Mayor Jamie Heffer. "I'm just erring on the side of caution with the unfamiliar ground that we're charting."
OPP Staff Sergeant David Sinko visited both councils this week and told members that the OPP is not in a position to provide an opinion on hosting cannabis retail outlets, nor can they discuss a potential rise to the costs of policing.
"There's no way for me to say that we can expect a five per cent increase in calls for service based on you having a (cannabis) retail store in your municipality, there's no process to tell you that, or else we'd be applying that to other retail businesses and not simply cannabis," said Sinko.
North Huron agreed in principle to hosting cannabis stores by a 4-3 recorded vote, and will hold a final vote on the matter at their next regular council meeting on January 21.
"I think there's a lot of concern on the costing, and the effect on our public, but what we can actually do about it at the end of the day, our hands are tied," said Reeve Bernie Bailey. "This is downloading from the federal level."