Second annual Bowling Thunder fundraiser for Chatham-Kent Victim Services. February 4, 2024. (Submitted photo)Second annual Bowling Thunder fundraiser for Chatham-Kent Victim Services. February 4, 2024. (Submitted photo)

Bowling fundraiser for CK Victim Services

Get your bowling shoes ready!

Bowling Thunder, a fundraiser for Chatham-Kent Victim Services, is back for its third year.

"We wanted something that was friendly and approachable for families, so Bowling Thunder was born," said Director Kate DoForno. "We host it on a Sunday afternoon, and we encourage friends of Victim Services to come out with their families because every dollar that we raise stays here in Chatham-Kent."

This year the event will take place on February 2 from 2-4 p.m. at Chatham Bowlerama.

All of the money raised stays in the community, and helps to fund a number of programs, including Project Lifesaver.

"It's a program that provides free wristbands to individuals who are at risk of wandering," said DoForno. "Those wristband allow up to find those individuals, if they go missing, very, very quickly."

The goal is is raise $10,000 because, while CK Victim Services does get some funding from the Ontario Ministry of Children and Social Services, it doesn't cover everything.

"The money that the ministry provides is really important, but it only covers a certain amount of the support that we provide to the community," said DoForno. "The additional support that we're able to put into Chatham-Kent needs to be fundraised, and that's why Bowling Thunder is here."

CK Victim Services is still looking for sponsorships, silent auction prizes, and donations for the event.

To donate, or to sign up a team, visit

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