Cute child girl drawing with colourful pencils in preschool at the table in kindergarten
© Can Stock Photo / vitmarkCute child girl drawing with colourful pencils in preschool at the table in kindergarten © Can Stock Photo / vitmark

Catholic school board eager to welcome future kindergarteners

The St. Clair Catholic District School Board will host a series of events for future kindergarteners and their families throughout the month of January to help make for a smooth transition into the classroom this fall.

The welcoming events across Sarnia-Lambton and Chatham-Kent will be open to families, regardless of whether or not they have registered their child for Kindergarten yet.

"KinderSTARt engages our families in initial positive experience so we can foster that partnership between families and schools," said Elementary Curriculum Consultant Kim Fitzmorris. "They'll meet staff, engage in fun activities, they can visit a Kindergarten classroom, and learn more about Kindergarten. Not only that, they can find out about community services and resources that are available."

Fitzmorris said depending on the school, community representatives will be at the event from public health units, EarlyON child and family centres, Indigenous partners, and settlement workers for newcomer families. 

"They can find out information about bussing at the event as well," said Fitzmorris.

Families can bring in a registration form for their little ones if they would like, and children will receive a swag bag (while supplies last). Additional details can be found on the school board's website.

Fitzmorris said in total, approximately 300 young children (so far) are expected to attend KinderSTARt events in Lambton-Kent.

To attend a KinderSTARt event, guests are encouraged to register online.

“We can’t wait to welcome our future kindergarten students and share in their excitement,” said Director of Education Scott Johnson.

KinderSTARt events will be held between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. A full list of events can be found below.

KinderSTARt events scheduled to take place throughout the month of January. (Image courtesy of the St. Clair Catholic District School Board)KinderSTARt events scheduled to take place throughout the month of January. (Image courtesy of the St. Clair Catholic District School Board)

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